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KLM Airlines Careers : Check The Vacancies In List Bellow.

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The world is yours

At KLM a world of opportunities lies at your feet. Whether you work on board up in the skies or with both feet firmly on the ground: every day there’s something new to see, learn and discover! We’ll challenge you to not only see the possibilities but to grab them with both hands too, resulting in you getting the best out of yourself and making the most of your career.

Historic company, brand new technology

KLM is continually developing, searching for innovative applications. Since our first flights at the beginning of the last century we have been discovering new worlds, first literally and now figuratively. For example, we dive into our gigantic data lakes to reduce fuel consumption. Or, for example, we blur the lines between reality and virtuality when applying VR and AR during training sessions for cabin crew. Not bad for a 101 year-old lady, wouldn’t you say?

Concrete and tangible work

Take a look around you when you’re at, or in the vincinty, of Schiphol. Or try looking up to the skies for a change. Notice anything? Our processes are occurring before your very eyes. From flight handling to aircraft maintenance and from digital check-in to the most sustainable fleet imaginable. It doesn’t get more tangible than this. If you’ve had to roll up your shirt sleeves, or those of your uniform or overalls, all day, you instantly see what it’s all been for!

Blue heart in the right place

Why is working at KLM so enjoyable? Ask a random KLM’er and there’s a good chance that they’ll tell you about the Blue Feeling. It’s difficult to describe exactly what this is. Try to imagine a combination of pride and collectivity. Where everyone’s contribution counts, regardless of what makes you… Well, you. Add a good dose of pleasure and you begin to get an idea. KLM is a ‘people organisation’ with a large blue heart for service, quality and always ready to do that little bit extra.

Taking your career to new heights

By choosing for a career with KLM, you’ll discover ample room for further professional development. During your shift or project and with extensive training programmes. And when the time for a new direction in your career? Then there are always possibilties for further growth. Be it promotion, becoming more specialised or a totally different career path. The diversity of jobs and professions within KLM means there’s a good chance that you’ll find something that suits you. It really is up to you to identify the possibilities and seize them with both hands.

Jobs TitleLocation
Technical Lead Full Stack (Java/Angular/Ionic)Schiphol Rijk
RepairLab Development Manager (EPCOR)Schiphol Rijk
Cabin Maintenance Mechanic Level 1Schiphol Rijk
Ground Engineer B1Schiphol Rijk
Analytics Translator (Transavia)Schiphol Rijk
Auditor Level 1Schiphol Rijk
Electrical Instrument TechnicianSchiphol Oost
Business Product Analyst Level 3Amstelveen
Internship Project Manager Sales Excellence CargoSchiphol Oost
Aircraft Sheet Metal WorkerSchiphol Oost
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